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Mental Health and Support Care Links
The following links are listed to provide you with online information in the areas of Mental Health, Education, Family Resources, Suicide Awareness, Autism Services, Aboriginal Services, Advocacy, Self-Advocates, LGBTQ/2S, and Substance Use.
Youth, Young Adults, and Families – Agency Resources
http://www.thekeltyfoundation.org/about_partners.php – Kelty Foundation Resources – For Children, Youth and Families in BC
http://www.ncld.org/ – National Centre for Learning Disabilities
https://www.nsdrc.org - North Shore Disability Resource Centre
https://www.develop.bc.ca – Developmental Disabilities Association - DDA offers over 50 community-based programs and services for individuals and families across the life cycle in Vancouver and Richmond.
https://www.plea.ca – PLEA Community Services - PLEA helps children, youth, adults and families who face significant challenges lead fulfilling lives within their communities.
https://posabilities.ca – PosAbilities - specialize in assisting people with developmental disabilities with life’s transitions – to and through adulthood.
https://www.mosaicbc.org - Serving Immigrant, Newcomer and Refugee Communities
Mental Health Resources / Programs
Compass Mental Health, Supporting Providers, BC Children’s Hospital - https://compassbc.ca/about-us
Providers can call for a consultation with a Multidisciplinary team of providers. The team includes child and youth psychiatrists, mental health and substance use clinicians (social workers, nurses, psychologists, etc.), and a care coordinator. The Compass team can help with diagnostic clarification, medication recommendations and treatment planning for those providers who are ‘stuck’ and needing support/consultation around treating patients with mental health or substance use concerns. Ages birth to 25 years.
http://www.vch.ca/Locations-Services/result?res_id=1289 - Developmental Disabilities Mental Health Services (DDMHS)
http://www.earlypsychosis.ca – BC Early Psychosis Intervention Program
http://www.bcchildrens.ca/Services/ChildYouthMentalHlth/default.htm – BCCH Child and Youth Mental Health Programs
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/mental-health-substance-use/find-services-near-you – Child and Youth Mental Health Offices in BC
https://kidshelpphone.ca – Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868
http://psychiatry.ubc.ca/programs/developmental-disorders/members/ – University of British Columbia, Developmental Disorders Program
http://www.mdabc.net – Mood Disorders Association of BC
https://www.cmha.bc.ca – Canadian Mental Health Association
http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/screening/online/ – Depression, Anxiety, and Risky Drinking Screening
http://psymed.info/ – Mental Health Online Screening
http://www.dsm5.org/Documents/changes%20from%20dsm-iv-tr%20to%20dsm-5.pdf – DSM5 Implementation and Support
http://bcadhd.com/2014map/ – BC ADHD
http://crisiscentre.bc.ca/ – Crisis Centre for Youth, Adults and Senior
Counselling Resources
https://www.ccpa-accp.ca/find-a-canadian-certified-counsellor/ - Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association – search through a members list of Counsellors qualified to practice Canada Wide.
https://bc-counsellors.org/counsellors/ - BC Association of Clinical Counsellors – search through a members list of Counsellors qualified to practice in British Columbia
Psychological Assessments/Autism Assessments
http://www.childdevelopmentgroup.com – WestCoast Child Development Group – Dr. David Worling – Psychological and Autism Assessments
http://autismlab.psyc.sfu.ca/people/grace - Autism and Developmental Disorders Lab – Dr. Grace Iorocci – Psychological and Autism Assessments
http://www.bcchildrens.ca/our-services/sunny-hill-health-centre/our-services/autism - Sunnyhill Health Centre for Children, BCCH – Autism Assessments
Behavioural Support Resources
Low Arousal Approach: https://autismawarenesscentre.com/what-is-the-low-arousal-approach-and-how-can-it-benefit-my-family/
Low Arousal Approach Training: https://www.studio3.org/post/what-is-the-low-arousal-approach
Pathological (Pervasive) Demand Avoidance: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/diagnosis/pda
Pathological Demand Avoidance: https://www.pdanorthamerica.com/
Positive Behaviour Support: https://www.actcommunity.ca/education/videos/positive-behavior-support/
Positive Behaviour Support Resource Guide: https://institute.crisisprevention.com/PBIS-Resources.html?code=GSIT01PBIS&src=PPC&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=pbis_resource&utm_content=tofu_ed&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ6TBhAIEiwAfl4TWKCqRwntv4q-YKoU2V2AtLRPNvnjoG1i9p94Fqvk2IvbE9aDtW23JRoCkBAQAvD_BwE
General Health Information and Services: including COVID-19 up to date information.
http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/ - Health Information Services that include: Health Navigators, Nurses, Dieticians, Exercise Professionals, and Pharmacists. Including COVID-19 up to date information. Call 811
Suicide Awareness Hotlines and Resources
If you are in danger of acting on suicidal thoughts or are in any other life-threatening crisis, please call emergency services in your area (911 in Canada or the U.S.) or go to your nearest hospital emergency room
http://keltymentalhealth.ca/navigation/vancouver-coastal-health-cart-child-adolescent-response-team - CART - Child and Adolescent Response Team - Short-term mental health service to children and youth aged 5-18 in the Vancouver Coastal Health region who are experiencing acute mental health crises.
http://crisiscentre.bc.ca/ – Youth Chat/ Crisis Chat: Youth, Adults, Senior’s Crisis line http://need2.ca/ – Suicide Prevention, Education, and Support
https://www.bccf.ca/bccf/more-from-odin-books/suicide-and-loss-2/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_term=Prevent%20suicide&utm_content=Suicide_Prevention&utm_campaign=Resources&gclid=COnvofq9xcYCFcRlfgodX3kK4A – BC Council for Families
Phone/message suicide hotlines: The following hotlines are available both in Canada and the U.S. All hotlines are free and confidential
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 800-273-TALK (8255) The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is open 24 hours a day, every day. Services are also available for veterans, and for Spanish speakers.
Crisis Text Line’s web site - According to Crisis Text Line’s web site, you can receive a text from a trained crisis counselor within minutes. This information is from the group’s web site:
1. You text 741741 when in crisis. Anywhere, anytime.
2. A live, trained crisis counselor receives the text and responds quickly.
3. The crisis counselor helps the teen move from a hot moment to a cool calm to stay safe and healthy using effective active listening and suggested referrals – all through text message using CTL’s secure platform.
Crisis Text Line – 686-868 Canada
Crisis Text Line – 741-741 U.S
Autism Specific Resources
http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/ – BC Government Website on Autism Spectrum Disorder
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/managing-your-health/autism/autism_handbook_parents_guide.pdf#page=34 – Parents Handbook: Your Guide to Autism Programs, British Columbia
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/healthy-women-children/child-behaviour-development/special-needs/autism-spectrum-disorder/autism-funding – Autism Funding: Forms you may need (scroll down to “Program Resources”)
https://pacificautismfamily.com – Pacific Autism Family Network
https://autismcanada.org – Autism Canada
https://www.autismspeaks.org/ - Autism Speaks
http://www.rdiconnect.com/ – Relationship Development Intervention
http://touchautism.com/app/autism-apps/ – Autism Apps
Education Specific Resources
https://www.setbc.org – Special Education Technology British Columbia
https://equitableaccesstoeducation.wordpress.com - BC Parents of Children with Special Needs
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/education/administration/kindergarten-to-grade-12/independent-schools/special_ed_policy_manual.pdf - Special Education Services: A Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
http://www.inclusionbc.org – Inclusion BC – Parent Support for Inclusive Education
https://www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/parents-guide-to-teen-depression.htm - Parents Guide to Teen Depression
http://odinbooks.com/ – Odin Books
https://neufeldinstitute.org/resources/ – Neufeld Institute: Resources/Videos/Books
https://bcedaccess.com - BC Ed Access: If you are a parent or guardian in British Columbia looking for support, knowledge and information regarding inclusive education in our Province, please email info@bcedaccess.com and request an invitation to our online support group.
Internet Safety
A Helpful Online Safety Guide for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder: this is an excellent resource to support internet safety for people living with ASD, as well for other children, youth and neurodiverse individuals.
“I can be safe online” – a Community Living BC Resource https://www.communitylivingbc.ca/resources/safeguards-resources/i-can-be-safe-online/
Indigenous Specific Resources
http://www.fnha.ca/benefits/mental-health - First Nations Health Benefits (FNHB) provides coverage to access mental health providers, including counselors, social workers, and psychologists. FNHB covers three mental health programs: short term crisis intervention, Indian Residential School Resolution Health Support Program, and the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls - Health Support Services.
http://www.vacfss.com – Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society. Services to Aboriginal children and families in the Greater Vancouver Area. Child Protection, Guardianship, Residential Resources, Family Preservation and Reunification.
http://www.vch.ca/your-care/aboriginal-health - Aboriginal Health
http://vatjss.com – Vancouver Aboriginal Transformative Justice Services
http://keltymentalhealth.ca/navigation/aboriginal-services - Aboriginal Services - Kelty Mental Health
LGBTQ2+ Resources
http://youthinbc.com/youth-issues-2/lgbt/resources/ – LGBTQ Youth Resources, BC – Youth Services; GAB – Drop in; Older Adult Services
https://qmunity.ca/get-support/youth/ - Qmunity Youth Services – Drop in; Special Events; Bra, Binder and Breast Forms Exchange Program; Support for Parents
https://www.mosaicbc.org/services/settlement/lgbtq/ - Mosaic - Supports LGBTQ Immigrant, Newcomer, and Refugee Communities
http://buildingcaringcommunities.ca/710-2/ - AbOUT Community Collaboration Group
https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/resources/families-in-transition-a-resource-guide-for-parents-of-trans-youth/ - Families in Transition: A Resource Guide for Parents of Trans Youth
https://www.thetrevorproject.org/get-help-now/ - The Trevor Project – a hotline for LGBT youth. Phone, Text, and Chat is available. Trans Lifeline - Designed for transgender people, the Trans Lifeline is staffed by people who are themselves transgender.
Call: 1 - 866-488-7386
Chat via message – text START to 678678
Youth Transitioning to Adulthood
This link provides information for families where their child is transitioning from child to adult at their 18th/19th birthday. Much planning must occur in the 2 years prior. This link will provide forms, transition checklists, PWD application links, CLBC brochures, and Disability Tax Credit information
http://www.communitylivingbc.ca/home/ – Community Living BC - Community Living BC, or CLBC, is the provincial crown corporation that funds supports and services to adults with developmental disabilities, as well as individuals who have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and who also have significant difficulty doing things on their own.
https://www.communitylivingbc.ca/what-support-is-available/preparing-access-clbc-supports/services-to-adults-with-developmental-disabilities-stadd/ - Services to Adults with Developmental Disabilities (STADD) offers Navigator services for transitioning youth and their families in 145 communities across B.C. Navigators act as the primary point of contact for individuals in coordinating transition planning and access to supports and services through the transition period of 16-24 years old.
Government Resources: Children, Youth and Adults
http://www.gov.bc.ca/mcf/ – Ministry of Children and Family Development
http://www.communitylivingbc.ca/home/ – Community Living BC
http://www.communitylivingbc.ca/individuals-families/support-for-adults/fasd-autism/ – FASD and Autism, Personal Supports Initiative (PSI): adults who have both significant limitations in adaptive functioning and either a diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/youth-and-family-services/teens-in-foster-care/agreements-with-young-adults - Adolescent Youth Agreement: to apply you must be 19 years of age and have been under a care arrangement with MCFD. Funding is available for Education and Skills Training Programs, Tuition Waivers, Rehabilitation Programs, Life skills Programs.
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/taxes/sales-taxes/motor-fuel-carbon-tax/fuel-tax-refund - Fuel Tax Refund: When you purchase fuel in B.C., you pay fuel tax. If you have a qualifying disability, the fuel tax refund program allows you to request a refund of the provincial motor fuel tax you paid in B.C. on fuel you used in a vehicle you own or lease. If you qualify, you’re eligible for a fuel tax refund of up to $500 each calendar year.
Advocacy for Parents
http://www.povnet.org/find-an-advocate/bc/children-and-youth – Finding an Advocate in BC
https://www.bccf.ca/bccf/ – BC Council for Families
https://familysupportbc.com - Family Support Institute
https://www.mybookletbc.com - My Booklet BC, developed by the Family Support Institute, is a free online tool that can be used to create a beautiful and personalized information booklet to store and share strengths, gifts and goals.
Resources for Self-Advocates
http://www.inclusionbc.org/self-advocates/bcsaf - BC Self Advocacy Foundation
https://selfadvocatenet.com – local self advocates groups, events, employment opportunities, CLBC services, resources
http://www.bcpeoplefirst.com/self-advocates/ - Self-Advocates Worldly Movement
https://www.selfadvocacy.net/canada/ - Canada Wide Self-Advocacy Groups
Substance Use
http://www.bcmhsus.ca/ – BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services
http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/ – Mental Health and Substance Use resources for Adults
https://keltymentalhealth.ca/substance-use - Education and supports
Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders Information
http://www.dsm5.org/Documents/changes%20from%20dsm-iv-tr%20to%20dsm-5.pdf – Trauma Informed Practice Guide
http://trauma-informed.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Trauma-informed_Toolkit.pdf – The Trauma Toolkit
http://www.mdabc.net – Mood Disorders Association of BC, PTSD Group
http://endingviolence.org/about-us/programs-we-serve/ – Ending Violence Association of BC
Mental Health Apps
http://learningworksforkids.com/ – Best apps and games for learning
http://www.anxietybc.com/resources/mindshift-app – MINDSHIFT App for Youth and Young Adults with Anxiety
http://mindcheck.ca/ – Resources for Youth and Young Adults on: Mood and Anxiety, Stress, Alcohol and Drugs, Reality Check, Body Image and Eating
www.viha.ca/cyf_mental_health/BoosterBuddy.htm – BoosterBuddy is a free app designed to help teens and young adults improve their mental health
www.calm.ca – helps you to find your “calm”. Helps reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, improve sleep, reduce stress
https://www.headspace.com – learn to meditate and live mindfully. A personal meditation guide right in your pocket!
1) Website for BC Housing: https://www.bchousing.org/home
Please note there is a very lengthy wait list for bc housing however families may apply a Rental assistant program grant to their market value rent provided they are not on IA or PWD and their income is below the threshold (about 40,000). The Rap grants can be up to 800plus per month depending on income.
2) Also note the BC Federation of Co-operative Housing: https://www.chf.bc.ca/
Families need to find a co-op that is accepting applications for subsidy or non-subsidy. They then get the application from the co-op (can send a letter with a SASE –self-addressed envelope, or stop in during the office hours- all offices have different days and hours if there is an office attached).
The share purchase for a co-op can be hefty (1-3,000 dollars). Sometimes churches, temples or other agencies such as BC Lions Club may assist with cost.
3) Rental Assistance Program: The Rental Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with cash assistance to help with their monthly rent payments. https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/rental-assistance/RAP
4) Metro Vancouver, Lions Club and Kiwanis have some family units.
Also Quayview (with NS Connexions). There is also housing with the YWCA. If families are fleeing abuse or domestic violence there are shelters and second stage housing as well the status on waitlists is much higher. Similarly if a family is facing homelessness this may impact the wait on BC Housing.
5) Tenants Rights Coalition is an excellent resource for families facing rental conflict with their landlords.
6) The district of North Vancouver social planner Annie Mauboules, now Natasha Letchford is a good resource for landlord tenant conflict also. The District of North Vancouver DNV, may have some housing options however the City of North Vancouver also has some rental units if families wish to call the latter.
Charitable Organizations
Make-A-Wish Foundation® of British Columbia & Yukon
#930-470 Granville Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5
Contact: Deb Bennett
Telephone: (604) 688-7944
Fax: (604) 688-7990
E-mail: bcchapter@makeawish.ca
Territory: Province of BC & the Yukon Territory
Charitable wish granting organization for life-threatened youngsters age 3-18 year old.
Easter Seal:
Contact: Sheila Simpson 604-736-3475
Lions Society of BC (Vancouver)
3981 Oak Street Vancouver, BC V6H 4H5
Tel: 604-873-1865
Fax: 604-873-0166
Toll Free: 1-800-818-4483
Email: info@lionsbc.ca
CKNW Orphan’s Fund
Administrator: Shirley Stock
#2000-700 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K9
Tel: 604-331-2711
Fax: 604-3312760
Fund assists local organizations and agencies concerned with the welfare of underprivileged and disabled children. Projects supported include an annual picnic at Playland, clothing gift certificates at Christmas, and children’s camps. Office hours are 7:30-5:30 Mon-Fri.
Variety - The Children's Charity of BC
4300 Still Creek Drive Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6
Contact: Patsy Craig Phone: (604) 320-0505
Fax: (604) 320-0535
Toll-Free in BC: 1-800-381-2040
E-Mail: info@variety.bc.ca
Charity Village
3,000 pages of news, jobs, information and resources for executives, staffers, donors, and volunteers
Children's Family House Society of BC
Ronald McDonald House BC
4116 Angus Drive
Vancouver, BC V6J 4H9
Contact: Heather Clark 604-446-3483
Tel: 604-736-2957
Fax: 604-736-5974
General Inquiries: info@ronaldmcdonaldhousebc.com
Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada: BC & Yukon
#119 - 4240 Manor Street Burnaby, BC V5G 1B2
Tel: (604) 299-2241
Fax: (604) 299-228
Charitable organization, which grants wishes for children and youth 3-18 years old with high-risk life threatening illnesses.
Help Fill a Wish
Contact: Lee Dragland 250-382-3135
Elks Purple Cross Fund
Elks of Canada
100-2629 29th Avenue
Regina, SK S4S 2N9
Fax: 306-565-2860
Provides financial aid to children up to the age of 19 in a variety of special circumstances, when funding is not available from any other source and financial need is demonstrated. For instance, aid may be available for travel and temporary housing when it is required for special medical care, and devices which assist special needs children. Services available in French.
Herman Bischoff Foundation
Tel: 604-872-7888
Fax: 604-872-7889
Email: wleckie@direct.ca
Grants under $1000 are distributed twice a year to groups or individuals providing recreational or social activities and services to disabled people in Vancouver.
Presidents Choice – Children’s Charity
Western Society for Children with Birth Disorders
439 E. Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 3X4
Tel: 604-515-0810
Fax: 604-515-0870
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for children born with disorders. The New Westminster based charity helps children who are born with one or more of thousands of disorders. It provides a number of services including educating public, helping families advocate for the best possible education, and providing help dealing with medical resources. Services include medical resource, workshops, support, and help fund special equipment.
The Jockey Foundation
The focus is not to provide basic needs but to help facilitate experiences or opportunities that might other wise be prohibitive to those on a fixed income. Our focus is on dreams
not needs. Someone might need new clothing but be dreaming of a prom dress. The prom dress would be within our mandate.
Note: TMG is not responsible for the content, claims, or representations of the listed information