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Individual Counselling

Counselling specializations offered include working with:


  • Children, Adolescents, and Adults experiencing mental health concerns around Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD, Emotional Dysregulation, Trauma, and Psychosis 

  • Individuals living with Autism, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and other Neuro Diversabilities

  • Siblings/Parents/Caregivers of individuals living with Neuro Diversabilities and Behavioural Challenges 

  • Youth making the shift from Youth to Adulthood 

  • Indigenous people including those individuals registered with the First Nations Health Authority

  • Individuals affected by crime through the The Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP)

  • Individuals affected by post-accident struggles through ICBC


*The term diversability embraces the uniqueness and potential in every human being. Diversabilities refer to physical, cognitive, developmental, learning, and/or neurological differences, or diversity, in ability levels.


Therapeutic Approaches



Our therapists and educators work from an Inclusive, Integrative and Holistic Approach which blends elements of different theories and approaches into practice, tailoring the treatment according to each person’s needs. Some of the approaches used include but are not limited to:​


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the most widely used therapy for anxiety disorders. It addresses negative patterns and distortions in the way we look at the world and ourselves. The two components of CBT are:  

  • Cognitive therapy which examines how negative thoughts, or cognitions, contribute to anxiety.  

  • Behaviour therapy which examines how you behave and react in situations that trigger anxiety.  

The basic premise of cognitive behavioural therapy is that our thoughts—not external events—affect the way we feel. In other words, it’s not the situation you’re in that determines how you feel, but your perception of the situation. 


Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is a modified form of CBT that is an evidence-based psychotherapy designed to help with treating a number of conditions including mood disorders, drug and alcohol problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injuries, and eating disorders. It is designed to help people increase their emotional and cognitive regulation by learning about the triggers that lead to reactive states and helping to assess which coping skills to apply in the sequence of events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviour to help avoid undesired reactions. DBT combines the CBT techniques for emotion regulation and reality testing with concepts of distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindful awareness. 


Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (TF-CBT) is a components-based psychosocial treatment model that incorporates elements of cognitive-behavioural, attachment, humanistic, empowerment, and family therapy models. It includes several core treatment components designed to be provided in a flexible manner to address the unique needs of each child and family. There is strong scientific evidence that this therapy works in treating trauma symptoms in children, adolescents, and their parents. ​


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that aims to help individuals develop psychological flexibility and achieve meaningful behavior change. Some of the key principles and techniques include psychological flexibility, mindfulness, metaphors and language, behavioural activation, looks at the context in which the behaviour occurs, and considers its application to various mental health issues. ACT also targets 6 core processes also identifies 6 key processes to foster psychological flexibility including: acceptance, cognitive diffusion, being present, self as context, values and committed action. Overall, ACT aims to enhance psychological flexibility, promote values-driven behavior, and help individuals live more fully in accordance with their chosen values despite the inevitable challenges of life.  


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is recognized as an effective form of trauma treatment. EMDR psychotherapy is an information processing therapy that uses an eight phase approach to treating trauma. It address Past memories of the traumatic event(s), Present situations that trigger dysfunctional emotions, beliefs and sensations, and the Future Template, or positive experience needed to enhance future adaptive behaviours and mental health. 


Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) To be mindful is to be in the present moment, on purpose, non-judgementally. Living outside the present moment can be a great source of anxiety. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is designed to bring awareness to our negative thinking that can lead to and maintain depression and anxiety. Combined, MBCT interrupts the reactions that have become habit forming, so we can have more control and choose how to respond to situations in more skillful ways. By learning to identify the triggers and symptoms of anxiety and depression, we can learn to more effectively address issues that arise in our everyday life. There are many ways to hone mindfulness, all intended to cultivate present moment awareness. These techniques include purposeful breathing, basic meditation, yoga, and learning to observe as events unfold. 


Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) is based on the principle that there is a relationship between the way people communicate and interact with others and their mental health.  


Exposure Therapy:  Exposure Therapy exposes you to the situations or objects you fear. The idea is that through careful and guided repeated exposures, you’ll feel an increasing sense of control over the situation and your anxiety will diminish. The exposure is done in a few different ways: Your therapist may ask you to imagine the scary situation, you may confront it in real life, or may be asked to write it down. Exposure therapy may be used alone, or it may be conducted as part of cognitive behavioural therapy. 


Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) approach sets forth two major tenets. First, challenging behaviour in kids is best understood as the result of lagging cognitive skills (in the general domains of flexibility/adaptability, frustration tolerance, and problem solving) rather than as the result of passive, permissive, inconsistent, noncontingent parenting. And second, the best way to reduce challenging episodes is by working together with the child – collaborating – to solve the problems setting them in motion in the first place (rather than by imposing adult will and intensive use of reward and punishment procedures). 


Creative Therapies encompass a range of therapeutic approaches that use creative activities to promote emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. Some of the forms of creative therapies that our Counsellors use Art therapy, music, journal, and sandtray. These therapies are used in conjunction with other therapeutic approaches and can be adapted for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. They provide alternative ways of processing emotions and experiences that may not be easily accessible through traditional talk therapy alone. 


Indigenous Cultural Safety Approach: ‘The reality of intergenerational mental health and cultural trauma suffered by First Nations peoples has led to a significant need for cultural safety amongst members of these communities. All our therapists have specific training in Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) Core Health Training and provide services to Indigenous individuals under the First Nations Health Authority – Health through Wellness Program. 


Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP): A non-invasive listening therapy that supports better nervous system regulation. The Safe and Sound Protocol is an evidence-based therapeutic tool designed to reset the nervous system and return it to safety. Designed to work with other therapeutic approaches and modalities, the SSP features specially filtered music that stimulates the vagus nerve. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences, autism, and much more. 


At TMG, our Therapists and Educators are committed to provide treatment in a culturally safe and inclusive manner to support individuals to achieve optimal mental wellness.


TMG Consulting Inc. o/a

TMG Counselling Group 

TMG Counselling & Behavioural Group
201-1669 West 3rd Avenue
Vancouver BC, V6J 1K1 


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